Cancer Service: Personalised Care and Support Planning

Cancer Service: Personalised Care and Support Planning
Past events
Wed 9 Oct 2024

Developing your personalised care approaches, engaging the wider team and taking action to enhance patient experience

This interactive course presented a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, who shared evidence-based advice on how they improved support for those living with and beyond cancer. Participants took one day out to join fellow Consultant Oncologists, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Service and Team Managers for a step-by-step guide, leaving the day with how to knowledge on how to build their personalised care services, how to obtain buy-in across the cancer pathway and how to achieve marked improvements for patient care and outcomes. 

Practical insights: successes and challenges from an inspiring expert in personalised care

Those in attendance to this online meeting came together in an open, sharing environment to build action plans for change and development. The participants were left inspired by their peers and the course leader to make a tangible difference and find out how to:

  •     Achieve a whole system approach to Holistic Needs Assessments (HNA) and Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
  •     Meet and exceed patient expectations: supporting what matters to them
  •     Improve quality of life, patient experience and service cost effectiveness through personalised stratified follow-up
  •     Implement tools and services to empower individuals take control of their care planning and delivery of care
  •     Digitalise personalised care: suitability, practicality and engagement explored
Introduction, instructions and leader’s opening remarks
Julie Bliss, Programme Manager for Personalised Care - Cancer, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
Holistic Needs Assessment, Personalised Care and Support Planning
Whole system approach to achieving high quality HNA and PCSP across your cancer MDT
  • Adapting your care to meet the individual needs of your patients: demonstrating the impact of HNA and PCSP
  • Achieving meaningful communication across the cancer pathway: engaging with MDT and primary care colleagues
  • Meeting patient expectations: what matters to them and how can you support it?
  • Patient voice: understanding the real-world benefits to individuals
Questions and answers with Julie Bliss
Interactive discussion: Your next steps for driving forward HNA and PCSP
  • Share your cancer service’s current approach to HNA and PCSP
  • How are you engaging the MDT? Share your top tips for achieving buy-in from across the cancer pathway
  • How are you planning to develop HNA and PCSP in your service? What are your next steps?
Personalised stratified follow-up
Navigating personalised stratified follow-up and the role of treatment summaries
  • Exploring what personalised stratified follow-up means and what it looks like
  • Establishing who the ‘right’ person is to receive treatment summaries: creating collaboration with other teams
  • Measuring the impact of stratified follow-up on patient experience, quality of life and cost effectiveness
Questions and answers with Julie Bliss
Interactive discussion: Reviewing your approach to personalised stratified follow-up
  • Share your current challenges with personalised stratified follow up
  • What are you doing to overcome these challenges and ensure effective follow up?
  • Share your experience of treatment summaries and the benefits/pitfalls for your patients
Empowering patients in their care planning
Educating and supporting individuals to make decisions about their care planning and delivery
  • How to access funding for empowerment services and tools across your cancer pathway
  • Sharing valuable health and wellbeing information: teaming up with charity partners
  • Case study: determining which Living Well model could work for your service
  • Case Study: setting up and establishing prehab services to empower patients
Questions and answers with Julie Bliss
Interactive discussion: How to empower individuals throughout their cancer journey
  • What support tools and/or services do you have in place for patients? What has been your experience of these so far?
  • How did you achieve funding and engagement?
  • What does the Living Well model look like in your cancer alliance?
  • What action can you take to enhance empowerment across cancer pathways?
Personalised care in a digital era
Driving forward personalised care: investigating the suitability of digital solutions
  • Determining the benefits and pitfalls of digitalising aspects of personalised care
  • Successful elements of digital personalised care and where face-to-face support is preferable
  • Creating and maintaining a bespoke patient centered app: obtaining funding and buy-in
Questions and answers with Julie Bliss
Interactive discussion: Group discussion, reflection and action points explored
  • What will you take away from today that you can implement in your role and wider team?
  • How will you make the steps towards improving personalised care and support planning across your organisation?
Course leader’s closing remarks and close of day

With thanks to the course leader:

Julie Bliss

Programme Manager for Personalised Care - Cancer
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

Who came?

Joined by professionals working across personalised care or specialist cancer MDTs, we welcomed the likes of:

  •     Consultant Oncologists
  •     Clinical Nurse Specialists
  •     Service and Team Managers

Now is the time to prioritise your cancer service’s future development and focus on new ideas that you can take forward in your team. If you are interested in joining a course on this topic, please click here to register your interest

If you have a team that is 30 people or more, you can have a bespoke workshop delivered online to your team alone. Please contact Sarah Kemm or telephone 01732 897788.

Past attendee feedback

Attendees benefitted from an inspiring course leader, Julie Bliss, who shared her lessons learnt and top tips. Take a look at how other attendees have described previous courses:

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“All topics well covered. Clear info and pitched at the right level”
- Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
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“Thank you, events like these are really helpful to improve our practice and services”
- University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
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“Great interactive sessions, good variety of subjects and speakers, interesting topics”
- King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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“Extremely informative and relevant to current challenges. Excellent way of sharing good practice”
- University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
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“All speakers were very knowledgeable and presented well”
- East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
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“Excellent written and verbal communication from the team, very person centred approach”
- East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust

View further comments on Oncology National Networking Forums on Trust Pilot.

Why sponsor?

Our role at SBK Healthcare is to bring industry together with healthcare professionals so that you can educate and inform your audience. These trail-blazing oncology forums offering dedicated presentation, Q&A, networking and discussion time, each sponsor will be fully immersed into the event and able to effectively engage with your NHS audience.

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SBK Healthcare also provides in-house forums. Working closely with you as the client we can research, produce, market and deliver the conference or online forum that best suits the audience and meets your goals.

Reach out today

If you would like more information on our sponsorship options an in-house forum or if you wish to discuss your needs and what solutions may be appropriate for your business, please contact: 

Sarah Kemm 

Contact: 01732 897788 
