Cancer of Unknown Primary: Is the Unknown now Known?

Cancer of Unknown Primary: Is the Unknown now Known?
On-demand 1 hour Free
Tue 21 Jun 2022

On-demand: featuring presentation and speaker Q&A: Developed for healthcare professionals and researchers working with Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP). Take one hour to hear from the world-leading authority on CUP - Dr F Anthony Greco – discussing how leading edge research is transforming therapeutic options for CUP patients:  

Thank you to the webinar sponsor: Cancer of Unknown Primary Foundation - Jo's Friends

Watch this online international event from the comfort of your own home

Hear from world-leading CUP authority Dr F Anthony Greco (US) taking a long view of the challenges of developing CUP research and treatment. Benefit from:

  • 40 minutes with Dr Harpreet Wasan asking questions of Dr Tony Greco followed by audience Q&A facilitated by Dr Harpreet Wasan
  • Audience questions answered during the Q&A
  • Available to view now, on-demand

With thanks to:

John Symons, Director, CUP Foundation - Jo's friends
Interlocutor’s opening remarks
Dr Harpreet Wasan, Consultant Oncologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Cancer of Unknown Primary: Is the unknown now known?
  • Where have we come from? A long view of overcoming the challenges developing CUP research and treatment
  • Where are we now? As molecularly-guided therapeutic options gain momentum, can we stop chasing the anatomical primary?
  • Where are we going? A look to the future: what else is needed to consign CUP to history?
Dr Harpreet Wasan, Consultant Oncologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in conversation with Dr Anthony Greco, Medical Oncologist, Tennessee Oncology
Question and answer session
  • Your webinar host and presenter will use this time to answer the questions asked throughout the presentation plus any discussion points raised
Dr Harpreet Wasan, Consultant Oncologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Dr Anthony Greco, Medical Oncologist, Tennessee Oncology
Close of webinar

FREE, click on video below to view:

First-hand speaker experiences

A unique webinar sharing a valuable and educational long view from:

Dr Harpreet Wasan

Consultant Oncologist
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
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Dr Anthony Greco

Medical Oncologist
Tennessee Oncology
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John Symons

CUP Foundation - Jo's friends